Alexis Jones - I AM THAT GIRL

I AM THAT GIRL Manifesto.

I AM THAT GIRL Manifesto.

In my sophomore year of college, I found this book at my local Barnes and Noble - it was called I AM THAT GIRL. My first reaction was I got to get this book! After I read it, I was so inspired and could not stop telling people how great this book was. My very first interview guest for WRHU’s A League of Our Own was Alexis Jones. She is not only an outstanding speaker and activist but she has created a nonprofit organization, called I AM THAT GIRL whose work and efforts span the globe. It was a true delight to interview her - and it was the cherry on top for me knowing that I won my first Gracie Award for this interview from the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation in the Spring of 2018.


CRPS: An Interview with Beth Seickel